Monday, June 8, 2009

Personal Reflection

Although Will Smith is the highest paid actor in the business, it was definitely hard to name other minorities at his success level. I feel that the media makes it more difficult for minorities to make it in the industry. When asked to name a successful Native American actor/actress, none came to mind.  I realize that society cannot change over night but Obama’s presidential win gives hope to the future.  Also I feel that the only other attention minorities get in the media is when it is sports or music related.  Why is race such an important issue? Why is society so caught up in looks?  Even if one day there is equality for all, I still believe that people will still stereotype or discriminate silently.  I realize also that race is more than just skin color and looks but it’s also culture. The way one goes about their life can be looked down upon or praised. Whites stereotype among themselves along with other races.  These stereotypes deal more with social class. As I grew up in a predominately white suburb, I was able to witness my peer’s thoughts about race.  It was clear to me that many thought most blacks were ghetto, criminals or drug dealers. However, I was neither. It’s amazing how the images they saw on TV blinded them from reality.  It’s almost like if broadcasters would show positive images of blacks they would see blacks in a whole new light. People of all ages will believe anything they hear or see which gives news reports a social duty to report fair and accurately. The reporters and cameraman have the power to positively impact a group of people using the right tools. Reports can present both sides of the story while the cameraman can focus on filming the whole story and not just filming it through their eyes.  This is ideal but not likely by everyone. If the media continues to highlight the crimes minorities commit, then that is the only thing people will remember them by. On a positive note, I feel that Obama’s beautiful family in the media shows the world that anything is possible.


  1. Question: Are we in a post-racial colorblind society because of the election of a president of color? Hmmm.

  2. President Obama clearly relates to people at an astoundingly high level. My neighbor, who's an ex-United States Army Ranger and a staunch Conservative (he's voted for the guy with the "R" by his name for president the past 4 elections) even went out of his way to talk about how remarkably effortless Obama made it look when he visited our troops and was warmly greeted. You'd think with all the partisanship and the vitriol people felt towards the past administration that some stronger emotions were going to come out that could negatively affect Obama (and some of it has happened, no question), but the president handles it all in stride. It's still early, but he passes the personality test, that's for sure.
