Monday, June 29, 2009

It don't matter if you're black or white

Hours after Michael Jackson’s death, people where calling into the radio stations to express their sorrow. One lady’s call enlightened the listeners on how Michael Jackson’s music broke racial barriers in her family.  The lady came from a firm racist family who thought highly of themselves. Race, however, was not a issue when it came to Jackson’s phenomenal talents. It was the first time that her family had accepted a black person into their lives.  Michael had an impact on numerous people across the world.  The love that Michael Jackson is receiving is divine. I am thankful that people are remembering him for all the good he’s done for humanity rather than the negative pieces the media flaunted continually.


A Blogger expressed her thoughts on on Michael’s positive contribution. “He was a major force in the civil rights movement, breaking down racial barriers without politics or anger, simply through his music which everyone adored, black or white, male or female.” People can now look back with appreciate of his artistic ability while reflecting the time period. The era consisted of a visible change in the way people saw and interacted with each other. The music made people realize their similarities rather than their skin color.


 Before his death, there were plenty of accusations of the change of his physical appearance. The black community looked up to Michal Jackson being the international icon that he is. Many people wonder was Michael ashamed of his race or whether or not Michael wanted to be white instead of black. I feel that Michael wanted race to be nonexistence. He portrayed this train of thought in his songs such as “Black or White”.  I believe the public didn’t see his vision as he did. People assumed he bleached his skin to more white even though he confessed to his skin disease. The media was insensitive to the events Michael has been though while forgetting about his accomplishments. It’s our responsibility to see the good in people, which the media failed to do. I think now the media is focusing on his productive past. I wish Michael could see appreciative people really are since he dealt with harsh criticism for so long. As he looks down on us, we will surely know that he is greatly missed and loved. 


  1. I agree that Michael really helped people see that skin color is not what makes us all different. I feel like he was the first person who was willing to discuss it and throw the idea out in the public when other people were too afraid to talk about skin color in general. I do not believe that he changed his skin color because he didn't want to be African-American. There is so much more to it than that such as the fact that he had the skin disease and even going back to when he was filming the Pepsi commercial and his hair caught on fire which resulted in burning his face as well. He tried to have surgeries after that incident to recover his face and who knows if his face really turned out the way that he wanted it to. I guess no one will ever know.

  2. You know, Michael Jackson was an interesting person. I love Michael to death. Not literally like some people who are committing suicide behind his death,,
    but his talent was not only entertaining but inspirational. And he did break a lot of barriers in the world. Now the issue of white or black, I think it had something to do with how he viewed himself. And to add to Cathy, I could almost argue that he had Body Dysmorphic Disorder because he was always changing himself for no reason. I mean there was the Pepsi thing, puberty, and his broken nose, and I think being in the spotlight every time you go out that he was overly self conscious about how he looked. He looked fine to begin with. I don't believe that it had anything to do with him wanting to be a white person. And I may be going out on a limb, but why was there a shock when everyone found out he liked to hang out with kids? All the signs were there. He definitely didn't have a childhood when he was literally a baby, he was introduced to things way to early and was too young to know what to do, and for me, the real sign was when he interacted with Michael Jordan in that one video, very childlike by jumping on his back and crawling in between his legs while they were playing basketball. So, all the controversy behind the situation I really felt sorry for him. But regardless, his talent is extraordinary. I really like the song Scream he did with Janet because he was voicing his opinion in a strong way. And I would like to know what he was thinking when he held Baby Blanket over the balcony. I mean he is just a fascinating person and it's sad it was his time to go. He definitely won't ever be forgotten about. That was my personal rant.
